文化觀光資源碩士班課程架構 Course Structure of Cultural Tourism Resources Master's Program
1.「研究方法」必修。 2.專業課程30學分與畢業論文6學分 3.自由選修課程:至多認列畢業學分6學分,可選修本系、外系及外校之相關課程,但不含 通識課程。 1. "Research methods" are compulsory. 2. 30 credits for professional courses and 6 credits for graduation thesis 3. Free Elective Courses: Up to 6 credits of graduation credits can be listed, and courses related to this department, foreign department, and foreign school can be selected, but general education courses are not included. |
類別 category |
科目中文名稱 Subject Chinese Name |
修別 Study category |
學分 credit |
時數 Hours |
共 同 必 修 課 程 Common required courses |
研究方法 Research methods |
3 |
3 |
理 論 與 方 法 Theory and method |
田野調查專題研究 Field research special study |
選 |
3 |
3 |
人文與環境關懷專題研究 Humanities and Environmental Care Special Studies |
旅遊哲學 Tourism philosophy |
觀光人類學 Sightseeing anthropology |
聚落與歷史環境研究 Settlement and historical environment research |
區 域 文 化 資 源 Regional cultural resources |
臺灣觀光遊憩系統專題研究 Taiwan Special Study on Sightseeing Recreation System |
選 |
3 |
3 |
臺灣民俗與文化專題研究 Taiwan Folklore and Culture Research |
觀光景點與歷史文化 Sightseeing spots and history and culture |
地理鄉土教育專題研究 Geographical Local Education Research |
亞太地區民俗文化研究 Research on Folk Culture in the Asia-Pacific Region |
台灣歷史與古蹟專題研究 Taiwan's history and monuments |
歐美文化與世界遺產 European and American culture and world heritage |
文 化 觀 光 應 用 實 務 Application of Cultural Viewing |
地方文化保存與記錄 Local culture preservation and record |
選 |
3 |
3 |
導覽解說設計與實作 Guided explanation design and implementation |
風景區管理 Scenic area management |
觀光地理資訊系統專題研究 Tourism Geographic Information System Special Study |
特殊節慶與文化活動規劃 Special festivals and cultural activities planning |
文化資產與社區營造 Cultural assets and community building |
文化觀光產業行銷策略 Cultural Tourism Industry Marketing Strategy |
宗教觀光專題研究 Religious tourism research |
飲食文化與觀光發展研究 Diet Culture and Tourism Development Research |