NUTN Department of Culture and Natural Resources





National Taiwan University of Culture Department of Culture and Natural Resources

Applicable for entry in the 107 academic year

The minimum graduation credits for students in the master's class of this department are 32 credits, including 2 credits for compulsory courses, 4 credits for mandatory courses, and 26 credits for optional courses.

     科目中文名稱  科目英文名稱  修別  學分  時數  備註


Core Areas of Taiwan Studies


Theory and Method Course

研究方法 Research Method 必修 2 2 碩一上
臺灣民俗文化研究理論與方法 Theory and Method:Taiwanese Customs and Culture 必選 2 2 四選二
臺灣文化景觀研究理論與方法 Theory and Method:Taiwanese Cultural Landscape 必選 2 2  四選二
臺灣文化資產研究理論與方法 Theory and Method:Taiwanese Cultural Resources 必選 2 2  四選二
臺灣民間信仰研究理論與方法 Theory and Method:Taiwanese Folk Religion 必選 2 2  四選二


Foundation Course

臺灣史專題研究 Seminar on Taiwanese History 2 2  
臺灣人文地理學專題研究 Seminar on Taiwanese Cultural Landscape 2 2  
宗教人類學專題研究 Seminar on Taiwanese Anthropology of Religion 2 2  


Domain Course


Folk Customs and Religions in Taiwan

臺灣民間信仰與田野調查專題研究 Seminar on Taiwanese Folk Religion and Fieldwork 2 2  
臺灣宗教民俗史專題研究 Seminar on History of Taiwanese Customs and Religion 2 2  
臺灣道教專題研究 Seminar on Taiwanese Taoism 2 2  
臺灣佛教史專題研究 Seminar on Taiwanese History of Taiwanese Buddhism 2 2  
臺灣基督教發展史專題研究 Seminar on History of Taiwanese Christianity 2 2  
臺灣傳統生命禮俗專題研究 Seminar on Taiwanese Life Customs 2 2  
臺灣齋教與鸞堂專題研究 Seminar on Taiwanese Folk Buddhism and Spirit Writing 2 2  


Taiwan cultural assets

文化資產概論與法規專題研究 Seminar on Cultural Heritage and Regulations 2 2  
臺灣民居調查專題研究 Seminar on Taiwanese Housing Survey 2 2  
臺灣傳統建築專題研究 Seminar on Taiwanese Traditional Architecture 2 2  
臺灣文化景觀專題研究 Seminar on Taiwanese Landscape Culture 2 2  
臺灣無形文化資產專題研究 Seminar on Intangible Cultural Heritage 2 2  
臺灣國定民俗專題研究 Seminar on National Taiwanese Folk Customs 2 2  
臺灣傳統表演藝術專題研究 Seminar on Taiwanese Traditional Performing Arts 2 2  
臺灣傳統工藝專題研究 Seminar on Traditional Taiwanese Crafts 2 2  
區域型文化資產整合專題研究 Seminar on Regional Cultural Heritage 2 2  


Tainan Studies and Regional Studies

臺南歷史發展專題研究 Seminar on History of Tainan 2 2  
臺灣古地圖與臺南專題研究 Seminar on Taiwanese Ancient Maps 2 2  
臺南廟宇與祀神專題研究 Seminar on Temples and Gods of Tainan 2 2  
臺南平埔族專題研究 Seminar on Ping Pu Aboriginal Tribes 2 2  
臺南社會經濟史專題研究 Seminar on Economic History of Tainan 2 2  
臺南社區史與城鄉關係專題研究 Seminar on Reginal History of Tainan and Relationship of Village and City 2 2  
臺南府城古蹟專題研究 Seminar on Ancient Relics of Tainan 2 2  
村落考察與都市專題研究 Seminar on Village Survey and Urban Topics 2 2  
家族史與傳記專題研究 Seminar on Family and Biography 2 2  
飲食文化專題研究 Seminar on Food Culture 2 2  



















壹、 依據 Basis


The main points of this study are determined in accordance with the rules of the master's class of the university, the graduate degree examination methods, and the main points of the graduate degree thesis examination assignments.

貳、 修業年限 Study limit


The postgraduate study limit for masters is limited to 1 to 4. However, on-the-job graduate students who fail to complete the required courses or complete the degree script within the period of study may apply to extend the period of study by 1 unit. The suspension of schooling is based on the principle of 2 schoolings. When the schooling period expires, due to severe illness and other factors, it is not possible to study in time, and 1 schooling can be extended after application. The aforementioned "on-the-job postgraduate" refers to postgraduate students who apply for the Confucian Classics as an in-service student.

參、 修課規定 Course requirements
  一、 指導教授  Advisor






1. Before the end of the first academic year after enrollment, graduate students are urged to guide professors to guide the course selection and writing of obituaries according to the needs of their research direction.

2. The guiding professor should be qualified to be a member of the degree examination committee. Full-time teachers who meet the requirements of the degree-granting law in this department, may also hire full-time teachers who meet the requirements of the degree-granting law outside the school, or teachers who meet the requirements of the degree-granting law outside the school and the full-time teachers of the department to jointly guide (half each post) .

3. Graduate students will pay 2 credits of scripture instruction fee each semester starting from the second semester after enrollment until graduation.

4. Postgraduates who have not actually hired a supervising professor for less than one year may not apply for an oral examination. The period of one year's actual employment is based on the "Application Form for Appointment of Guidance Professor", and the date of the signature of the guidance professor is used as the basis.

5. Each supervising professor supervises graduate students, and each class is limited to 5 students.

   二、 選課 Elective





1. Graduate students can take a maximum of 10 credits per semester. The minimum number of credits is 18 credits for a school year, 32 credits for graduates (master's degree, liberal arts credits), and 8 credits for the second semester, up to 10 credits. . If it is overdue due to special circumstances, it may be approved by the faculty meeting, and the school must sign the agreement to do so.

2. Graduate students can go to university to take courses according to their own needs, and their grades (credits) are calculated into the semester grades (credits) and graduation grades (credits) of the institute.

3. To apply for credits, apply in accordance with the "National Credit Tainan University Student Credit Credit Measures" and submit an application.

4. The cross-election or day-night shift cross-election and inter-college cross-election of this school are limited to elective courses. The total credits of cross-election courses are limited to 9 credits, which must be approved by the supervising professor or the department head. Graduation credits are calculated based on the actual credits of courses taken.

   三、 課程架構:如碩士在職專班之課程架構。 Curriculum structure: such as the curriculum structure of a master's on-the-job class.
 肆、 學位考試規定 Degree Examination Regulations
   一、 本系學生論文考試依下列程序辦理 The text test for students in this department is conducted according to the following procedures::
    (一)申請  Application 




(1)應修畢本系應修全部課程 (含該學期所修),學業成績總平均(不含該學期)70分以上,附學校核發的成績單正本。




1. Postgraduate students must submit at least 4 sessions of the faculty or postgraduate reading club before the end of the first academic year, submit a research plan and attach a research plan (the content must include the research purpose, research method, expected results, Projects such as expected progress), six months after the publication of the research plan, applications for the oral examination of the dissertation can be submitted. The research plan should be published once per semester, and it will be published in a graduate reading club.

2. After the publication of the thesis research plan, the director of the department in conjunction with the guidance professor and the teachers in the department will review it. Those who fail will submit a new research plan for publication.

3. Graduate students must complete the following three items before they can apply for an oral examination:

(1) Completed all courses (including the semester) in this department, with a total average academic score (including the semester) of 70 or more, with the original transcript issued by the school.

(2) Complete the hours of the "Academic Ethics Education" online course and pass the test.

(3) Participate in at least 2 academic seminars related to Taiwan culture sponsored by the department on and off campus, at least 2 lecture activities, at least 6 lectures by teachers or graduate students of the department, and at least 2 oral examinations of thesis.

4. In accordance with the principle of "on-the-spot review" of graduate degree transcripts, students applying for essay examinations can submit them at any time in the academic transcript, fill in the application form, and sign and agree with the guidance professor, and then send it to the Department of Health.

    (二) 審查  Review




1. There are at least 3 members of the oral examination committee. The instructor is an ex-officio member, and at least one third of the members are outside the school. The list of members of the oral test is recommended by the supervising professor Yun Wen, and then the department will sign the principal for approval and then hire it.

2. The thesis oral application and selection of members for the oral examination must be approved by the university before the oral examination can be conducted.

3. If the title of the dissertation submitted by the graduate student is different from the research project publication subject, the research project publication shall be held again.

    (三) 考試 Examination







1. The time and place of the examination shall be negotiated and fixed by the graduate students and the examination committee, and the department shall be notified.

2. Graduate students should submit the first draft of the oral examination to the department office and oral examination committee 15 days before the oral examination.

3. Speaking oral examination procedures, including briefing on the contents of the obituary, questions from the examination committee members and postgraduate defense, discussions on the examination committee, and announcement of test results.

4. All examination committee members must complete the scoring form after the examination. Their scores are calculated by using the percentile score method, with a score of 100 and a passing score of 70.

5. In the examination committee meeting, the scores of all the examination committee members shall be averaged, and the results shall be filled in the overall score table. If the average score is 70 points, the script test shall pass.

6. The supervising professor should submit the examination report and scoring form of the examination committee to the department for reference within 2 days after the examination.

    (四) 繳交論文 Submission of obituaries




1. According to the school time, those who have overdue payment shall be deemed to have not graduated during the semester.

2. Revise the manuscript according to the wishes of the examination committee members. The printed format of the dissertation should be printed in accordance with the prescribed format of the university's dissertation format. After review by the instructor, 2 dissertation and 1 CD-ROM are sent to the department.

3. You must enter the literary resources into your university's Ph.D. master's essay system. After passing the verification, you can go through the school procedures and apply for a graduation certificate.

   二、 其他相關考核規定  Other relevant assessment requirements


Before graduation, graduates need to submit a record of 10 interviews, a transcript of over 20 pages of the supervising professor to revise the dissertation, and a revision table of the dissertation, printed paper or CD-ROM to the department office.



Students of this department who have completed the required courses (32 credits or more), passed the exam, and passed the master's degree examination within the prescribed period of the semester and submitted the scriptures will be awarded the master's degree in literature according to the degree awarding method.



Students who have passed the degree test of the Department and meet the re-examination requirements or the re-examination requirements. Those who pass the re-examination after passing the re-examination should be withdrawn.



Students of this department have plagiarism or fraud, and have passed the examination of the Essay Examination Committee to pass the test.



For those who have already awarded a degree, if it is found that their scriptures are plagiarized or fraudulent, after investigation, it is true that they should revoke the degree and recover their issued degree certificate.



 Matters not covered in this point shall be handled in accordance with the relevant regulations of the school's academic code.



After the main points have been approved by the departmental affairs meeting, the main points will be sent to the academic affairs meeting for consideration. Chen asked the principal to approve them after implementation. The same applies to amendments.