NUTN Department of Culture and Natural Resources

Chen, Wei-Hua
姓名 Chen, Wei-Hua
職稱 Professor
最高學歷 Ph.D., Institute of Anthropology, National Tsing Hua University
聯絡電話 06-2133111#909
研究專長 Cultural Anthropology, Anthropology of Religion, Chinese Folk Religion
教授課程 Introduction to Social Science, Introduction to Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Research Method

Chen Weihua (2017): National, Symbolic Violence and Folk Beliefs: A Case Study of the Deer Eye Temple. Cultural Studies 25. (TSSCI Journal)

Chen Weihua (2017): From the tombstone, the phenomenon of "indigenousization": the change of Taiwan's social ancestry identity since the Qing Dynasty. Folk art 197. (TSSCI Journal)

Chen Weihua (2017): "The ruling" under the "view of the temple": From the temple management, the regionality of the temple. New Century Religious Studies 15 (4).

Chen Weihua, Liu Jingwen (2017): 0206 religious activities in the Tainan earthquake disaster. Taiwanese literature 68 (3).

Chen Weihua, Zhuang Yingzhang (2015): Temples and Communities in "Spiritual Economy": Take the Zinan Palace in Zhushan, Taiwan as an example. Journal of Historical Anthropology 13 (2): 115-164. (THCI Core Journal)

Chen Weihua (2015): Ghost Worship and Country: The control of the local state of Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty. Religious Studies in the New Century 13(3): 59-87. (March 2015)

Chen Weihua and Zhang Maogui (2014): From "Big Chen Yi Cui" to "Da Chen Ren": the generation, transformation and significance of social genus. Taiwan Sociology 27: 51-95. (TSSCI Journal)

Chen Weihua (2014): "The localization of the solitary soul: the transformation of the Yinggong Temple and the social geography of Taiwan." Folk Folk Art 183: 253-338. (TSSCI Journal)

Chen Weihua (2012): Capital, State and Religion: Changes in Contemporary Taiwanese Folk Belief from the Perspective of "Fields". Taiwan Sociology 23: 1-49. (TSSCI Journal)

Chen Weihua (2011): The Combination of Tradition and Modernity in Folk Beliefs: A Case Study of Tainan. Published in the 2010-2011 Symposium on Culture and Regional Studies: Proceedings of the Tainan Humanities and Environment Symposium, pp. 289-311. Tainan: Department of Culture and Natural Resources, Tainan University.

Chen Weihua (2008): Jewelry, habits and miracles: How does the god under modernity not die? . Taiwan Sociology 15: 1-46. (TSSCI Journal)

Chen Weihua, Lin Mei (2008): Research on the floating temple of Mazulie Island--Talking from the Tianhou Palace in Magang. Taiwan Journal of Anthropology 6(1): 103-132. (TSSCI Journal)

Chen Weihua (2008): Spiritual Economy: A New Perspective for Analysis of Folk Belief Activities. Taiwan Social Studies Quarterly 69: 57-105. (TSSCI Journal)

Chen Weihua (2006): "Zhuang" and Geographical Consciousness in the Traditional Chinese Society of Han Dynasty: A Historical Investigation of the Sacrificial Circle Culture in the Fuhuake Area of Changhua Plain. Taiwan

Religious Studies 5(1): 105-126.

Chen Weihua (2005): Spiritual Economy and Social Reproduction: The Formation of Folk Beliefs and Local Society in the Changhua Plain in the Qing Dynasty. Hsinchu: Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Anthropology, Tsinghua University.

Chen Weihua (2004): Anthropological study of relatives of Han Chinese: review and criticism. Sinology Research Newsletter 23(1): 1-12 pages.

Chen Weihua (2004): The holistic view of the Han Chinese society and the study of the ritual circle. Taiwan Religious Studies 3 (1): 129-160. page

Chen Weihua (2004): The Continuation and Change of Society: A Critical Review. Journal of Guangxi Youjiang National Teachers College 17(1): 9-20 pages.

Chen Weihua (2003): The effectiveness of rituals: a theoretical review. Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities, Supplementary Issue of the Humanities Science Album, June 2003, 52-56.

Chen Weihua (1997): Recording the "Year of the Chicken Cage" in the year of Yihai. Taiwan Literature 48(1): 155-178.

Chen Weihua (1997): Yuan Sacrifice in Chicken Cage: Ceremony, Culture and Memory. Taipei: Master's thesis, Institute of Ethnology, University of Political Science.

Chen Weihua (2015): “醮” as a cultural mechanism: a local social production model in contemporary cities. Ethnicity, Society, and History, pp. 149-200. Hsinchu, Taiwan: National Chiao Tung University. (ISBN: 978-986-6301-81-0)

Chen Weihua (2012): Investigation of the Temple Circle of Contemporary Urban Temples: Take the Guandi Temple in Tainan City as an example. 2012 Symposium on Culture and Regional Studies: Proceedings of the Tainan Humanities and Environment, pp. 87-112. Tainan, Taiwan: National Tainan University. (ISBN: 978-986-03-6494-1)

Chen Weihua (2011): The Combination of Tradition and Modernity in Folk Beliefs: A Case Study of Tainan. Published in the 2010-2011 Symposium on Culture and Regional Studies: Proceedings of the Tainan Humanities and Environment Symposium, pp. 289-311. Tainan: Department of Culture and Natural Resources, Tainan University. (ISBN: 978-986-03-1625-4)

National Accounting

Chen Weihua (2016): The impact of national religious management measures on the publicity of temples: how regulations, registration, counseling and rewards affect the development of folk beliefs MOST 104 -2410 -H -024-001-MY2 (second year) people).

Chen Weihua (2014): The impact of national religious management measures on the publicity of temples: how regulations, registration, counseling and rewards affect the development of folk beliefs MOST 104 -2410 -H -024-001-MY2 (first year) people).

Chen Weihua (2013): How State Power Shapes the Face of Folk Beliefs: A Comparative Study of Modern Countries and Traditional Empires NSC 101-2410-H-024 -001 - MY2 (Second Year) (Moderator).

Chen Weihua (2013): Research on the transformation of Taiwan's shackles and geopolitical identity NSC 102-2420-H-024-003-2R (host).

Chen Weihua (2012): How does the state power shape the face of folk beliefs: a comparative study between modern countries and traditional empire.

Chen Weihua (2010): "The Life History of the Lonely Soul" and the Change of Taiwan's Social Identity: Indigenousization, Resistance, and Subject Construction, Project Number: 99-2410-H-024-007-.

Chen Weihua (2008): Design and Development of Digital Chinese Textbooks and Teaching in Cultural Taiwan - Taiwan Folk Beliefs, National Science and Technology Research Project Report: NSC-97-2631-S-024-001.